Welcome to Stuart Field’s Info Site


Dear web surfer:


I’ve created this site mostly to provide information, or connections between information, that I cannot find succinctly described anywhere else on the Web. The themes, such as dialects, alternative projects and the role of crime in the world economy, seem entirely unrelated – at first sight. However, as the site grows, more themes will be added, and the connections will hopefully become apparent.


This site is still under construction, and will remain so for some time.


I feel that on the World Wide Web, information is more important than design. So I’m putting up the information in a basic form to start with, and will improve the design later if I have time. (Click here for a test version of a proposed new layout.)


- Stuart


Dialects and borders


Alternative projects – Choosing an Alternative


The role of crime in the world economy



About the author of this site



