and ethical investment after Enron and 9/11
The world's stock markets have taken a
battering from both the 9/11 terrorist attacks and the revelations of
large-scale accounting fraud in major corporations (Enron, WorldCom etc.) This article
aims to look at the impact of these on both ethical investment and the social
Before 9/11 and before Enron, many
stock market analysts expressed concern that shares listed on stock markets,
particularly in the US, were over-valued. It was therefore no surprise that
both these events caused a drop in the market. Even after the recent market
falls, these same concerns remain. How did this come about, and what are the
implications for ethical investment and the social economy?
On the surface, shares became
over-valued because their prices were determined by speculation on future
values. That is, instead of buying shares at the price at which they could
expect, say, a 5% return on their money from dividends, people started buying
shares which paid little or no dividend because they expected the share price
to rise. This was particularly the case for stocks, where even
loss-making companies became very popular.
Conventional corporations lost
employees to higher-paying businesses and in some cases even became
takeover targets. Unfortunately, some responded by "financial
engineering": accounting tricks designed to improve their apparent
profitability and boost their own share prices. Similar tricks were used by
some businesses too.
When the bubble burst, the
"financial engineering" continued. While some of the "financial
engineering" was perfectly legal (though perhaps misleading), in a few
cases it amounted to outright fraud. Enron, then WorldCom, and then many other
corporations came under suspicion of fraud. Once the suspicions start, share
prices quickly fall, ultimately damaging the market as a whole.
In this process, 9/11 actually played a
less significant role than fraud. After all, 9/11 meant an increase in sales
for the arms industry and the security industry, even though it was clearly bad
for the airline industry. Fraud, on the other hand, is bad news for nearly all
business sectors.
The biggest contribution of 9/11 was
the damage to consumer confidence, to which the central banks responded by
lowering interest rates. Cheaper credit makes it more attractive for consumers
to borrow and reduces borrowing costs for businesses, while lower interest
rates means there is less incentive to leave money in the bank. The central
banks' move would have been just what the market ordered, if it were not for
accounting fraud..
The accounting fraud scandal threw a
spanner in the works. After all, even the low return on savings in the bank is
better than outright losses on the stock market. What is more, people won't
borrow if their jobs are under threat, and businesses can't borrow if they are
under suspicion of accounting fraud. Further interest rate cuts, leading to the
lowest interest rates for decades, failed to help.
Meanwhile, analysts continue to warn
that markets are over-valued. At first sight, it seems crazy that any new money
should be flowing into stock markets under these conditions. Nevertheless, a
steady stream of money keeps coming in to the market via pension scheme
contributions. The amount of money coming in is not related to market
profitability at all - once someone starts a pension plan, they generally keep
paying in each month until they retire. This money must find a home somewhere,
even if it ends up propping up over-valued shares.
Ironically, the law largely prevents
this money from being invested in one profitable area largely unaffected by
accounting fraud: unlisted businesses. Businesses not listed on the stock
market have little incentive to exaggerate their profits; without outside
investors to please, all this would do is increase their tax bill. If they do
need extra investment, they generally cannot get this directly from pension
schemes or mutual funds because of legal restrictions on what these funds can
do with their money.
Venture capital firms may be interested
in helping them, but often only if they plan to expand enormously and float the
business on the stock market. Venture capital relies on the stock market for
its profitability. One venture capitalist said that of six businesses they
invest in, three are likely to go bust, two will be "plodders"
(businesses that make regular profits but fail to expand) and one will boom,
increasing its value more than enough to cover the three bankruptcies. This
value would be realized either by floating the booming business on the stock
market or selling it to a larger corporation. A stock market collapse puts both
of these options into doubt, so venture capital offers no easy route out of the
current crisis.
What does offer a route out of the
crisis? One possibility worth considering is ethical investment. After all,
faced with the clearly unethical practices of accounting fraud, many people
will be interested in ethical alternatives.
Here we must distinguish between the
two types of ethical investment criteria: negative (screening) and positive
(pro-active) criteria. Negative screening excludes companies involved in
"unethical" activities such as producing tobacco or destroying the
environment. However, accounting standards were up to now not generally included in most funds' ethical criteria. What is more, some
of the industries usually excluded, such as the arms trade, are likely to
benefit from post-9/11 arms sales, whereas industries that have suffered, such
as airlines, were less likely to be excluded. The net result is that funds
based on purely negative screening are likely to share in the market malaise.
Funds using positive screening, on the
other hand, might well out-perform the market in the current climate. After
all, the ethical stance of companies selected under positive criteria means
that they are far less likely to engage in accounting fraud. Some alternatives
such as wind energy may even benefit, since terrorists are far more likely to
target a nuclear power plant than a wind turbine. Now is therefore a good time
to promote positive screening in ethical investment.
Nevertheless, the poor performance of
the stock market as a whole is likely to discourage all investors. Indeed,
ethical investors may be particularly concerned about current events and
therefore discouraged from investing. Even positive screening, therefore,
provides no quick solution.
The situation is different again with
social investment. This is where money is invested primarily to achieve social
aims and only secondarily, if at all, for financial returns. Social investment
funds, together with social banks such as Triodos Bank, invest mostly in small businesses or
non-profit organizations, and very few of these are listed on a stock market.
The stock market crisis has little effect on them. Also, the ethical stance of
the projects means that, just as with positively screened ethical investment,
accounting fraud is much less likely.
Because of the secondary role of
financial returns, social investment funds and social banks traditionally
offered lower rates of return, or even zero returns. Nevertheless, falling
interest rates mean that the rates offered by social investments may not seem
so low any more. Indeed, even zero returns are better than the recent losses on
the stock market. Ironically, in the current financial climate it is even
possible that the small but nevertheless positive returns of social investment
could attract conventional investors out for financial gain!
In any case, the current crisis
provides an opportunity to extend the circle of social investors. For example,
it is a good time to try to persuade institutions already involved in positively-screened
ethical investment to branch out into social investment. After all, the crisis
could mean more demand than ever for investment in social projects providing a
working alternative, particularly if large-scale job losses occur.